Welcome to St. Andrew’s C.E. Primary School Parent Teacher Association (PTA).
We are a group of parents and teachers who work together on a voluntary basis to support the school in providing the best school experience for our children, in any way that we can!
We work to bring the school community (parents/guardians, staff and friends) together to create closer links between home and school and help raise money for extra school projects not covered by the school budget, having much fun along the way!
We hold lots of social events such as annual Christmas and summer fetes and fireworks, horse racing and family bingo nights, to name just a few.
The PTA team is run by Selin Gursoy (mum of Mete and Melis) and made up of lots of wonderful parents and staff, who kindly give their time, commitment, and skills.
If you are interested in joining the team, becoming a volunteer or would like to donate an item for sale, raffle prizes or money, business match funding or sponsorship, services or skills, please email pta@standrewspta.co.uk or speak to your class representative.
We’d be so grateful if you could help raise money for the school for ‘free’ every time you shop online, by using Easy Fundraising. Please select St Andrew’s School Enfield (PTA) as your chosen charity.
Please watch out for all PTA news via your class representatives’ WhatsApp and Facebook groups, school email and texts and our PTA facebook group ‘St Andrew’s School PTA group for parents’
Thank you, as always, for your ongoing encouragement and support.