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School Office

Our Team
Office Manager Mrs S Bryant
Business Manager Mrs S Lai
Office Assistant Mrs M Andrews
Welfare Assistant Miss J Law
Contact Times

Our school office is open from 8:00 a.m. until 4:45 p.m.

At the start and end of the school day our office staff and Senior Leadership Team are available to deal with general enquiries.

Our office team deal with queries relating to attendance, admissions, change of address, school meals, telephone and email details. They also register the pupils arriving late and ensure they arrive at their classrooms promptly.

They also deal with queries relating to school run clubs, ParentPay, Breakfast Club & After School Club and lettings.

Our welfare assistant alongside our team of first aiders, is responsible for medical and welfare enquires.

Security and Safety

We aim to provide a secure environment for pupils and staff, but we need your help. When you visit school during the day, please use the main entrance only. All visitors are required to sign in at the office on all visits to school. They are also required to read our safeguarding information and to wear a school issued lanyard. Visitors are always accompanied by a member of school staff whilst on the premises.

We have a continual problem with some parents who park on the zigzag lines near the school entrance and in Heaths Close. Please remember that parking on the zigzag lines is not permitted at the beginning and end of the day.

As a Healthy School, we promote walking to school. Please walk to and from school with your child, as this will benefit everyone, including yourself.

Complaints Process

We hope that your child will have a very happy and rewarding time at St Andrew’s, but occasionally something might go wrong. If you have any concerns about your child’s education you should first talk to their class teacher who should be able to resolve the matter. If, however, you are still not satisfied you should speak to the phase leader, the assistant heads, deputy or the headteacher.

We have a written complaints policy, which is available in the policies section or from the school office. This includes information about contacting the Chair of Governors and/or Local Authority.