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At St. Andrew’s, we want our children to understand the power of technology, the advantages and disadvantages of technology, and prepare them for the digital world in the future. We want our children to use technology effectively, responsibly and safely. 

Through our broad and ambitious curriculum, we provide opportunities for children to understand the benefits that the computing curriculum can provide, whilst developing resilient, reflective and independent learners, with opportunity to apply their knowledge creatively. 

Through computational thinking, we offer the children an understanding of how the digital world works and their place within it. 

We are an Apple school and use iPads and Macbooks, as well as other accessories, to support the teaching of Computing across the curriculum. 


Computing covers three strands

- Information Technology

- Computer Science

- Digital Literacy (including online safety)

From Year 1 – Year 6, Computing is taught weekly every other half-term, with 3 units being taught per year group. Each unit builds on prior learning from the previous year group; developing further understanding. Each unit uses a knowledge organiser, which highlights key vocabulary, previous learning and key questions which will be answered during the unit.

Computing programs are used across the curriculum, where children can demonstrate their skills and learning in a variety of creative ways. This includes using GarageBand when exploring musical elements, Bee-bots in the lower years and Scratch, to create simple programs and games. 

In EYFS, children will begin to explore Computing elements, using Beebots and iPads to explore music, early programming and digital literacy skills. All pupils with SEND are included and supported, through carefully selected visual games on the ipads, to using the interactive touchscreen whiteboard for learning.

Outside of the Computing Curriculum

Online safety is embedded throughout the curriculum. It is taught:

  • in conjunction with our PSHE scheme of work, along with ‘Safer Internet Day’
  • through Year 5 and 6 Enfield Safer Schools workshops and presentations
  • through Collective Worship themes, which encompass our school values of Love, Courage and Friendship
  • and made explicit in lessons during Computing sessions. 

Word processing skills are used throughout the curriculum to publish reports, stories, posters, artwork and other digital pieces of work.

In KS2, pupils take part in Safer Schools and Junior Citizens workshops, led by the Police and the Local Authority. These workshops reinforce the importance of keeping safe online. 

Year 5 take part in STEM projects with other local schools, where they have the opportunity to demonstrate their computing skills with other pupils, primary and secondary. 


We measure the impact of our children’s knowledge and skills through pupil voice, monitoring with our Computing subject lead and through work and photographic evidence. 

They will become critical thinkers that can solve problems. They will be responsible, respectful and safe users of data, information and communication technology, applying the British Values of democracy, tolerance, mutual respect, rule of law and liberty when using digital systems. 

Families at our school use technology responsibly, in line with the school’s acceptable use policies. 

By the time children leave St. Andrew’s, they will be confident users of a range of technology and be able to accomplish a wide range of goals. Pupils will understand the need for essential balance between their online and offline life. 


At St. Andrew’s we deliver the computing programmes of study for KS1 and KS2 through the Rising Stars ‘Switched On’ computing scheme of work. 

Pupils from Year 1 to Year 6 are taught three computing units across the year. They are a taught a range of computing knowledge, which help pupils to progress their understanding and skills.

These include:

  • Online safety

  • Consolidating technical skills

  • Achieving fluency with a range of key applications

  • Developing their knowledge and understanding of the principles that underpin digital technologies and the changing consequences of these for individuals and society. The children will also develop a wide range of computing vocabulary within each unit and learn about computer science, digital literacy and information technology.

Computing Units

Year 1:

We are digital artists – creating work inspired by great artists
We are treasure hunters – solving problems using programmable toys
We are rhythmic – creating sound patterns in ScratchJr and GarageBand

Year 2:

We are astronauts – programming on screen
We are photographers – taking, selecting and editing digital images
We are zoologists – collecting data about bugs

Year 3:

We are programmers – programming an animation
We are opinion pollsters – collecting and analysing data
We are who we are – creating presentations about ourselves

Year 4:

We are presenters – videoing a presentation using a green screen
We are musicians – creating a piece of music in GarageBand
We are artists – creating pieces of geometric art

Year 5:

We are cryptographers – cracking codes
We are adventure gamers – creating an interactive adventure using presentation software 
We are web developers – making sense of the internet and building a website

Year 6:

We are computational thinkers – mastering algorithms for searching, sorting and maths
We are connected – developing skills for social media
We are advertisers – creating a short television advert


Cross-curricular links are made wherever possible for example, using Pages and Keynote for presenting work and Numbers for statistics in Maths.

Safer Internet

Online safety is taught explicitly through computing lessons, as well as being part of our PSHE scheme. We also hold a bi-annual ‘Safer Internet’ week which comprises pupil and parent workshops led by a specialist.

Apple Technology

We are an ‘Apple’ school and every classroom has an iMac and interactive whiteboard. All of our devices are portable, so every class has access to a bank of MacBooks and iPads. We also use a range of additional technology such as Bee-Bots and Blue-Bots.

Our children enjoy a range of additional experiences to enhance their learning, such as visits to the Apple store and robotics workshops.

Remote Learning & Homework

Remote learning and homework takes places online, through two main platforms, Microsoft Teams (KS1 and KS2) and BusyThings (EYFS). We also invest in additional websites to support our curriculum, such as PurpleMash and MyMaths.